I suppose a blog post is in order. I've been working a lot and going to school and hanging out and partying and all of that stuff one does in college. I've finally turned in my IRB to be scuttled along the routes that such things take. Hopefully, when it passes, I'll be one step closer to thesis interviews.
I've been working a lot, and thankfully that means I'm being productive with otherwise wasted hours and being paid at least something for it. I'm going to start saving more of my paychecks now that I've blown through my first one so quickly. China looms, indeed. I really kind of like my work, though it's embarrassing to admit that one likes a menial job. I like talking to people and helping them navigate through the endless possibilities of a trillion flavors and mix-ins. Making waffle cones is fun, too.
I've been in a rough spot personally lately, and that sucks, but I suppose it happens. We're seasonal creatures, after all. Perhaps it's discontent or loneliness or the realization that the bubble of college is quickly drawing to an end. C'est la vie, they tell me. I've been learning phrases in French and Japanese lately.
And they're off
8 years ago
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